Channel Your Inner Daisie
Without volunteers, The Daisie Foundation would have been unable to provide over 400 Chicago mothers with transformational makeovers, surprise 1200 students with holiday gifts, serve more than 100 teachers and staff with a special luncheon, and assist hundreds of women in gaining the insights needed to become leaders in their own communities.
And as our foundation grows, spreading a messaging of joy and hope across the country, we need our volunteers now more than ever.
Who Can Volunteer?
Anyone and everyone looking to serve their fellow women and children with the blessings of hope, kindness, and self-confidence. That said, we are often in need of professional hair stylists, makeup artists, clothing stylists, drivers, organizers, and people who are simply willing to offer an extra set of hands. And if you’re a performer specializing in children’s theatre, science demonstrations, or magic shows, we’d love to have you involved in our Holiday Outreach Program.

What’s the Best Way to Get Involved?
If you’re unable to donate professional services, that’s not a problem at all. There are plenty of other ways for you to get involved.
- Help us prep, organize, and manage our Leading Ladies Luncheon
- Join our gift wrapping party in preparation for our Holiday Outreach Initiative
- Serve faculty & staff at our Holiday Luncheon
- Help us hand out presents to Pre-K through 8th Grade students
- Drivers who can help us transport presents and other materials
- Stylists, makeup artists and other professionals interested in donating services
That said, all of our initiatives are different and rely on collaborations between a wide variety of people to run smoothly. If you feel you can assist us in achieving our goals in an unexpected or unorthodox way, by all means, inquire. We’re building something special and would love to have you involved!